Microsoft @ UTHM

Rules that must be followed at all times!

  Storage Management:

  • Keep the files in your Microsoft account up-to-date.
  • Remove all files you no longer use.
  • If there are important videos or files, transfer them to another video streaming platform such as Youtube and etc.
  • Move rarely use files in OneDrive, and Photos to your local storage.
  • Usage of the services provided are strictly only to work related activities.


  Ethics & Professionalism:

  • Do not share confidential information.
  • Do not download or submit malicious software.
  • Do not filter domains from UTHM into your ‘spam’ folder.
  • Don’t copy someone else’s work.
  • Do not download or share any copyrighted/unlicensed material.
  • Be an ethical staff by not posting / backup personal photos, videos to your UTHM’s official account.
  • Don’t store unnecessary email or junk that could reduce the size of your email/storage.
  • Don’t upload/share non-work-related files like your family photos or videos.
  • For confidential files, it is a MUST TO USE for storing and distribution.


   Please refer “Garis Panduan – Keselamatan dan Etika Pengguna ICT” -> clausa “18.0.1” for reference.

Microsoft Service Agreement