1. Enter your full email address and click “Sign in”.
2. Enter your password and click “Sign in”.
3. Click “No, sign in to this app only” and click OK.
4. Click Next.
5. By default, your Desktop / Documents and Pictures folders will be added for backup and syncing.
6. Just click Next on the infographic pages until you reach at “Get mobile app” page.
7. Click “Later’ to proceed.
8. Click “Open my OneDrive folder” to view your backup & synced folder.
9. You can see that all folders and files that you have uploaded will be listed here. You can access the OneDrive folder later by clicking on the left menu of your “File Explorer”.
10. If you delete files, they will move to the “OneDrive recycle bin” and be permanently deleted after 93 days.
11. You can use your OneDrive as you would with standard usage, and always remember to save your files to the folder that was included for backup with OneDrive.